Calculators for every business type & size
Eturnity Calculator
Fully automated, 24/7 local calculator providing indicative consultations streamlining the customer experience.
Indicative consultations for potential customers within 50 kilometers.
50 km
Maximum coverage
Indicative consultations for potential customers within your region.
150 km
Maximum coverage
Indicative consultations for potential customers, no matter their location.
No maximum coverage
General Features
Automated customer communication (email and PDF)
Website integration (standalone/embedded)
Individual UTM parameter and analysis tracking
Design adaptations (white-label)
GDPR compliance
Automated sales area allocation of leads per postcode
Customisable questions
Webhook integration
Lead provider subscription
Solar Specific
Roof detection / selection
Auto dimensioning (size limitations, financial optimisations)
Battery retrofit
Battery compare
Contracting / leasing options
Heating Specific
Conditional components
Demand-based dimensioning
Technology compare

Easily Integrate with 500+ tools
One central hub for your renewable energy project planning. Connect your preferred tools effortlessly through our established partner network, or use workflow integration tools or manual integrations.
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