These are our companions:

Foundation for Innovation, Development and Research Graubünden
Even though the Foundation for Innovation, Development and Research Graubünden no longer exists in its original form since 2017, it supported Eturnity AG in the first years of its foundation. We appreciate this very much, as the first two years are often the years in which the existence of a new company is decided. Thus, the support was the most important foundation for us at that time. In 2017, the Foundation for Innovation, Development and Research Graubünden was transferred into an innovation fund.

Since 2017, we have been a member of Swissolar - a professional association that is "committed to the rapid, cost-effective and high-quality use of solar energy potential." Together, around 700 member companies in the solar industry pursue the same goal in the association: the implementation of a secure, renewable, and resource-saving energy supply for Switzerland by 2050 at the latest. All of us at Eturnity are actively working with them.
As "solar professionals", Swissolar promotes education and research on the topic and does public relations work as well as events.
The support of the Energy Strategy 2050 is also on the program of and Eturnity AG can count itself as a member since 2016. Since 2004, the mission of has been to promote innovations in energy efficiency and renewable energies, to reduce CO2 emissions, to promote networking in the industry, and to stimulate demand for sustainable energy solutions.

Swiss Climate Foundation
The Swiss Climate Foundation was established in 2008 and now receives around 200 funding applications per year. The foundation provides financial support to SMEs that contribute to climate protection with innovative and forward-looking products and processes.
These include projects on intelligent house facades, sustainable showers, and even coworking platforms. Eturnity AG's heating solution is also supported by the Swiss Climate Foundation.

Technology Fund
As a climate policy instrument of the federal government, the Technology Fund promotes innovations that reduce greenhouse gases or advance climate goals. For this reason, the Technology Fund has also been anchored in the CO2 Act since December 23, 2011. Eturnity AG has now been part of the Technology Fund portfolio since 2018.

Swiss Heat Pump Association (FWS)
The FWS aims to promote and disseminate the use of heat pumps in heating, cooling and energy recovery systems and, in addition to providing information on the possibilities, to promote further education and define standards. Ultimately, this should lead to an improvement and standardization of the national framework conditions for the use of heat pump systems.

The Swiss-Liechtenstein Building Technology Association (suissetec) is the employer and industry association for building technology and building envelopes: with 26 sections and around 3500 member companies, suissetec is the number 1 contact in all language regions. The association provides high-quality services for manufacturers/suppliers, planners and installers in the sanitary | water | gas, heating, ventilation and plumbing | building envelope sectors. Suissetec is also a pioneer in renewable energies and sustainability and represents the industry's interests with politicians, authorities and umbrella organizations.

BSW - German Solar Industry Association e. V.
BSW - Bundesverband Solarwirtschaft e. V. represents the interests of several hundred solar and storage companies in Germany. The association acts as an informant, advisor and mediator in the field of action between business, politics and consumers. It ensures investment security in the growth industry of solar energy. Important companies in the solar and storage industry - from raw material suppliers and production companies to tradesmen, operating companies, planners and financiers - are organized in the BSW.

BWP - Bundesverband Wärmepumpe e. V.
The industry association Bundesverband Wärmepumpe (BWP) e. V., based in Berlin, takes care of processes relating to heat pumps. Around 650 craftsmen in the BWP from the industry are concerned with the increased use of efficient heat pumps.
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