
Frequently Asked Questions

We answer your frequently asked questions about the Eturnity Solutions


On this page you will find a collection of frequently asked questions from customers and interested parties. By clicking on one of the listed areas, you will be taken directly to the desired topic.

General questions

Can I use only the Solar Calculator or only the Solar Expert?
The Eturnity platform is modular. You decide which products and add-ons you want to use. It is best to ask our customer advisors for advice.
Why can't my employee / colleague see projects or edit prices?
This has to do with the user rights assigned to the employee. Below is an overview of the different user roles and the corresponding authorizations:

Administrator Library: All rights to edit all components and prices including margins. Projects: Editing and assigning other users to projects.

Project Manager Library: No rights for editing components and prices. Projects: Editing and assigning other users to projects.

Simple user Library: No rights for editing components and prices. Projects: Only visibility and editing the projects assigned to them.
Do I have to enter the modules and other technical components myself?
A standard set of modules and technical components is provided by Eturnity. You are free to add or remove components yourself at any time.
Can I also create invoices with the Eturnity quotation program?
We offer standardized links to classic accounting and invoicing programs via webhooks. Please contact our customer advisors who will show you exactly how this works. You can rely on proven middleware such as Zapier or Integroma

Eturnity Expert

What kind of map material can I use?
We offer the following map material for the following countries:

Switzerland: Google Maps as well as Swisstopo map material can be used. Germany: Google Maps and orthophotos. Austria: Google Maps and orthophotos from Basemap.
Can I make the house bigger or smaller in the PV module layout on the quotation?
What you can set yourself is the zoom factor of the image. So, if you don’t want the whole image to be bigger, but just want to show the house bigger, you can configure this on the page where you generate the PDF.

In addition to the module display, you will also find the “Zoom” setting, where you can choose between “minimum”, “normal”, and “maximum”. Accordingly, the house with the modules is displayed larger or smaller. We can also adjust this for you by default if you do not want to make the change when generating each PDF, so that the zoom is always set to “maximum”, for example.
I cannot create a project because the address is not found
Unfortunately, we have no influence on the regularity of Google Maps updates. However, there are some workarounds for missing addresses.

1. Open Google Maps separately. Find the building for which you want to plan an interpretation and right-click on the building. Then click on “What’s here?” and add the corresponding address in the solar expert.

2. Try entering the address of the building next door or a street next door. You can then switch to the desired building in the map section. The PDF always shows the building for which the modules are marked. You can then easily correct the customer address in the “Customer” tab.
Can I select several PV modules for one installation?
Yes, you can design different roofs with different modules and substructures. Click on “+ New roof orientation” to add further modules or substructures.
Can I deposit the amounts of the annual operating costs?
Yes, you can define the annual operating costs as a percentage of the initial investment costs or as a fixed amount per kWp of the system. These settings can be made under “Profitability”. For the battery, the annual operating costs are stored as a fixed amount. Please let us know the desired annual amount if you want to change it.
Can I adjust the electricity price development?
Yes, you can adjust this on a project-specific basis under “Profitability”. If you would like to adjust this as standard, we would be happy to do this for you. To do so, send us an e-mail with the desired values.
What is the internal rate of return (IRR)?
The internal rate of return (IRR) shows you the interest rate at which your clients' investment in the project theoretically earns interest. In business administration, this is often a value used to assess or compare the attractiveness of projects. The IRR is then put into the context of current interest rates of other investments, e.g. on a savings account. If you get a negative IRR, it would mean that the investment is not paying off for your client.
What is the opportunity cost?
The opportunity cost represents the rate of return on the investment alternative. This is needed to calculate the IRR. The opportunity cost represents the interest rate your clients would receive if you “invest” the investment capital in a bank instead of investing it in the PV system.
Can I store the waiting time for KLEIV/GREIV and how does this flow into the intervention calculation?
The waiting time is not taken into account in the simulation. The KLEIV/GREIV is deducted directly from the initial investment costs.
Is the energy demand of the heat pump taken into account when calculating the degree of independence/self-consumption?
Yes, if the corresponding consumption profile with a heat pump is selected, a “non-intelligent” heat pump that simply runs when heat is needed is taken into account

Eturnity Calculator

Who receives the enquiries from the Solar or Heating Calculator?
Unlike comparison portals, the customer enquiries in your Solar or Heating Calculator only go to your company. You are not in competition with other installers.
Can I use the Solar or Heating Calculator on several websites?
Yes, you can integrate the Solar and Heating Calculator on as many websites as you like.
Can I configure the prices in the Solar or Heating Calculator myself?
Yes, you can configure the products and prices of your choice in the Solar or Heating Calculator.
Can I lift the restriction of the roof area to 1250 m2?
In principle, it can be lifted and set individually. However, the consumption profiles are defined according to the needs of smaller buildings. This can mean that the situation for larger buildings is not realistically represented. The profiles correspond to the profiles that are also available for selection in the Solar Expert.
Can the request field be mandatory? So that the results only appear if an interested party provides their contact details?
We have received strong indications from other solar calculators that forcing data entry significantly worsens the conversion rate. Moreover, this practice has been very controversial in the EU area since the introduction of the GDPR, as it could constitute a violation of the prohibition of tying (Art. 7 (4) GDPR). Although this is not currently relevant for Switzerland, it could become so, as Switzerland is currently also revising its data protection laws. Technically, it is possible in principle to make the desired adjustment.


Calculation of savings
The savings over the lifetime are calculated in the solar calculator based on the accumulated costs for electricity from the grid, also taking inflation into account. The accumulated costs for the PV system are then deducted from this. There, in turn, maintenance costs (as a percentage of the investment costs or as a fixed amount per kWp) and any expected increase in the feed-in tariff are taken into account. In Germany, this is set to 0 by default, as the feed-in tariff is guaranteed by the state. All of the above parameters can be set individually by the customer.
Calculation of tax savings
The savings over the lifetime are calculated in the solar calculator based on the accumulated costs for electricity from the grid, also taking inflation into account. The accumulated costs for the PV system are then deducted from this. There, in turn, maintenance costs (as a percentage of the investment costs or as a fixed amount per kWp) and any expected increase in the feed-in tariff are taken into account. In Germany, this is set to 0 by default, as the feed-in tariff is guaranteed by the state. All of the above parameters can be set individually by the customer.
Calculation of financial returns
In general, the savings from the unpaid electricity tariffs, as well as the income from the feed-in tariffs, form the returns. On the one hand, inflation of electricity and feed-in tariffs are taken into account in the simulation (these values can be adjusted individually). This leads to a slight increase in the annual yield each year. The average yield over the simulated lifetime of the plant (e.g. 25 years) is then shown on the quotation.
Calculating the electricity yield
Our calculations are rather conservative. They are based on a database provided by the European Commission (PVGIS).
Calculation of production costs
The production costs correspond to the electricity production costs. These are calculated based on the initial investment costs, the annual maintenance costs, the annual amount of electricity produced, and the WACC (weighted average cost of capital). The WACC is used to discount the income and expenses of the project so that the present value of the corresponding amounts can be taken into account in the calculations of the production costs.
Calculation of the payback period, the cash flows
Investment: The investment consists of the system price (PV & battery storage) minus any one-off subsidy. The additional subsidy / tax savings are also taken into account, provided that “Extended profitability calculation” is selected in the project settings.

Yields: The income consists of the savings from “prevented electricity purchase” (i.e. own consumption * electricity consumption tariff) and the income from electricity sales (feed-in quantity * feed-in tariff). If a stored tariff is used, it is included in the calculation by the hour (high and low tariff). In addition, the electricity consumption and feed-in tariffs are changed annually (e.g. taking inflation into account).

Operating costs: The operating costs for PV and battery storage are deducted from the revenues.

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